Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Continuing from my last story post, Demonic had become a good cap pilot in PL. I told him i was interested in joining Snigwaffe, or Waffles for short. Waffles are the PL training corp, and if you serve your time you can enter into one of the main PL corps from there. He was able to pull the right strings and get me in. 

If you want to learn some elite pvp skills, and want to get to fly with some of the best pilots in Eve, I would highly recommend trying to join them.

However, there are some things to keep in mind. PL is a merc corp, so be prepared to pack up your assets and move. In the three months with the Waffles we  changed home bases three times. My advice would be to not bring too much,that way you do not get bogged down in the logistics.

The next thing to keep in mind is that it is probably not the place for you if you have a large ego. My rule for surviving Waffles is to remember you are always wrong. I never had any problems with anyone because I never tried to argue with people that had been around much longer than I am. Even if you are right, arguing is a bad idea. I saw quite a few Waffles get killed by their own men for arguing with the chain of command. 

I flew with Waffles for about 3 months and had a pretty good time. Their leadership was excellent, and their FC's are spot on. I ended up leaving because I just decided that being a Merc was not all that fun, and very costly. I ratted when I could, but really couldn't sustain myself. In the end I got really busy in real life so I stopped playing eve for a while. I got great experience and I am grateful for people like Jeff Raider for putting up with my noobness back then, and teaching me a lot of great tactics I still use today. 

In my next post I will start to talk about what I have been up to recently, and then I can finally get to recent topics that I have been wanting to talk about since I started this blog!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Weekend Update

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am taking the first part of the CPA exam this Sunday. This is why I haven't posted in a few days. In game I have been mostly passively mining on my industry account while I study. Be sure to check back regularly after Sunday. I plan to post an entry ever other day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rediscovering Eve

After quitting Eve in 2006, I continued to keep interest in it. I knew the game had great potential. What decided my to return to Eve was two things, 1) Eve winning all kinds of awards in 2009, and 2) my friend Demonic becoming really good in game.

I remember walking in Walmart and passing a PC gamer magazine with Eve on the cover. I picked it up and began to read how much CCP has done to improve the game. I then noticed that a lot of game review sites were saying the same sort of things.

Around this time my friend Demonic had transferred to the same school as me. I called him up and we went to dinner together. I brought up Eve and we started talking. Apparently, Demonic had stayed with Sylic for a while. He learned how to pvp and became very good. He also opened up two more accounts, an industry account and a capital ship account. He even met a girl from Australia in game that taught him how to industry very well. (She even came and visited one month) He then told me how he had recently joined Pandemic Legion (PL) and he would help me out and stuff. so I reactivated my account.

For the first couple of weeks I just re-affiliated myself with the game, and ran a lot of missions for the Caldari Navy. I was almost able to do lvl 4s when I got bored of missioning and decided to join a corporation. I joined an interesting pvp/pve corp called SOL. There were two corps that made up SOL, SOL Industries and SOL Combat. The reason for this was so that people that wanted to just make money could stay in SOL Industries, while SOL Combat could get themselves into Wardecs and pvp. I switched over to SOL Comabat because at the time of my joining, they were being wardeced in Hek. It ended up being a great time because I learned about how to win in a wardec by making the aggressor miserable.

Once the wardecs ended we did a lot of small gang combat in and around Otou. It was a lot of fun, but I decided I wanted more in the game. I wanted my actions to player a larger role in the game.

In my next post I will talk about how my friend got me into the PL training corp and my great experience in that.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My first experience with Eve back in 2005

"Thank you for signing up for Eve Online! However, you must spend 6 months training learning skills before you can actually play the game! Have fun!" -CCP

I came across Eve online in late 2005, while I was in high school. I had been searching for a game like it for a long time. I downloaded the trial and thought it was pretty fun, and was able to convince my two friends Atheal and Demonic to play with me (those are their in game names). I still have fond memories of us running lvl 1 missions in our Kestrels, but we had no idea what we were doing. We probably would have quit the game after playing for only a few weeks if it had not been for Atheal meeting a veteran player in the help channel (ya, it used to not suck back in the day). His name was Sylic.

I want to give a shout out to Sylic right now. He was a great guy, who went out of his way to help noobs learn how to play Eve. I really wish more people in the game would be like him. He ran a 0.0 corp, but gave us all 10million isk and a lot of guidance. However, the first thing he told us is we made our characters completely wrong and that we needed to start over. Back in the day, you had to make your characters skills just right in order to not gimp yourself (I forget exactly how it works, but I am sure you can look it up). He then told us that we need to learn all the learning skills or we would gimp ourselves. We then soon found out it would take an extremely long time for this to be done. I think that is what turned me off from Eve, but I stuck it out for a little while longer.

After getting tired of running level one missions, we decided to join Sylic in 0.0 in the FATEX corp. We had a nice setup there for a while (I remember ratting in a Ferox haha). It all came to an abrupt end when an alliance full of Russians came in and took over the system (I forget which alliance it was at the time).

The last thing I remember before quitting the game was joining up for Firmus Ixion's (FIX) death. After we lost our space we joined up with them. They were down to one station but had a lot of isk still. They wanted to make one last offensive in a last ditch effort to not die. FIX was accepting any corp, and any pilot to fight on their behalf. I remember just taking Ferox after Ferox out only to have them killed. I had no idea how to pvp at all back then. I also remember the last fleet battle when the FC told us to get in the biggest ship we could fly, fit for extremely close, and go down in a blaze of glory. We accomplished that.

Soon there after, FIX died and everyone moved back to empire. I followed but soon got bored with the game and quit for a few years. The main reason I think I quit was simply not understanding the core game mechanics and a lot of things that were simply not user friendly at all.

My friend Atheal and I ended up quitting, but Demonic stayed on and fell in love with the game. In my next post I will talk about rejoining the game after PC gamer gave it Game of the Year. I will also talk about how Demonic ended up becoming very powerful and respected in the game by the time I started playing again.

I'm Back!

Well here it is, my first blog post about my experiences in Eve online. I plan on using this blog to discuss my experiences in Eve and my thoughts on certain things that happen in Eve Online. This blog will strictly be about Eve online. I decided to write this blog because I am a long time Eve blog reader and have a lot of interesting things to write about. 

I have two in game characters. One is a Caldari combat character, Fenix Veers. He is my main, with 14 million (m) skill points (sp). The other is a Gallente industry character, Triton Fenix. He is my alt, with 8m sp. I say alt, but I play him like a second main. My two characters are on opposite sides of the map, and rarely interact. I am going to write about my experiences on both characters, and will give a well rounded look at all parts of Eve.

Background in Eve
Eve has always interested me. It is a game where everyone is on one server, and everyone can affect everyone else. It is truly a sandbox style game, and is very life like. I created my account back in 2005. I get a lot of undeserving respect for that. People assume I know what I am talking about and that I have billions of sp.  Actually, I have only been actively playing since 2009, with a year and a half gap until just recently. You are going to come to find out that I am extremely knowledgeable in some areas and a complete idiot wow playing noob in other areas. The reason for this I will explain in other posts.

I plan on my telling my history since I started playing Eve in the first couple of posts. Then I will begin posting on my current activities and my thoughts on certain things Eve related. Here are the different posts I plan on doing to get everyone up to speed on my history.

  1. My First Attempt, 2005-2006
  2. Rediscovering Eve, 2009
  3. Joining WAFFLES (the Sniggwaffe training corp), 2010
  4. Breaking, 2010
  5. I'm Back, 2011

Stay tuned for the next post where I will discuss how I first discovered Eve, and what happened that turned me away from Eve at first!